
Showing posts from April, 2020


Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice which originated in India.The International yoga day or World yoga day has been celebrated annually on 21 June . Looking at the importance of yoga, our PM Narendra Modi suggested at the UN assembly that yoga be a special day. So on 21 June 2015 world yoga day 2015 world yoga day was observed  and for 1st time it was celebrated and now it is celebrated annually. Objective of World Yoga Day To let people know the amazing and natural benefits of yoga. To connect people to the nature by practicing yoga. To make people get used of meditation through yoga. To reduce the rate of health challenging diseases all over the world. To enhance growth, development and spread peace all through the world. World yoga day theme The theme of World Yoga Day 2019 was " Climate Action". The theme of World Yoga Day 2018 was" Yoga for Peace". Theme of 2017 was" Yoga for Health". Theme of 2016 was " Connect t


Yoga is not a religion, it is a way of living whose aim is  'a healthy mind in a healthy body'. Man is physical,mental and spiritual being, yoga helps to promote a balance development of all the three. Others forms of physical exercises, like aerobics, assure only physical well being. They have little to do with the development of the spiritual or astral body. The art of practicing yoga helps in controlling an individual mind, body and soul. It brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind, it helps to manage stress and anxiety and keep u relaxing. It also helps in increasing flexibility, muscle strength and body tone. It improved respiration, energy and vitality. Practicing yoga might seems like stretching, but it can do much more for your body from the way you feel, look and move. Yoga is a miracle, once followed, it will guide you the whole life. 20 to 30 minutes of yoga a day can change your life in the long run. Yoga adds y


BUILDS STRENGTH Yoga helps in making you more muscular & strong. It increases you grip & encourage you to do more. IMPROVE BONE HEALTH Many postures in yoga require to lift your own weight which helps in making the bones stronger. IMPROVE HEART HEALTH When you practice yoga regularly, you get your into aerobic range this lower the risk of heart attack. LOWERED BLOOD PRESSURE The savasana helps people with hypertension. INCREASES BLOOD FLOW Due to twisting nature of yoga blood flows from internal organ & allow oxygenated blood to flow. RELAXATION Yoga helps to relieve the stress of the modern life.  BETTER POSTURE Consistent practice of yoga helps in keeping the spine strong. SLEEPING AID Helps us to sleep deeper, which relaxes the nervous system. IMPROVED BALANCE Helps in improving your body balance & developing muscle tone. IMPROVED LUNG HEALTH It removes pollen & dirty & supplies fresh oxygen into t


Yoga is type of exercise and systematic practice of physical exercise ,breath control,diet control and positive thinking and meditation aimed at developing harmony in the body,mind and  environment ,where you move your body into various position in order to become more fit or flexible to improve your breathing and to relax your mind.